
Conflicts at schools and their impact on teachers

Based on teacher views, the study was set out to identify school conflicts, reasons behind them, their impact and responses to conflicts. The study undertaken via survey model utilized a qualitative research method. Study group of the study was composed of 57 classroom and subject matter teachers employed in Bolu central district during 2014-2015 academic year. Research data were collected with the help of semi-structured interview form and analyzed via content analysis. Some of the results obtained in the study are as follows: According to teachers, conflicts at schools are negative situations caused by differences of opinion and forming groups with like minded people based on inability to find common ground and disagreements, tension, unconformity, lack ofcommunication and ideological clashes. Conflicts result mainly from lack of communication followed by personal, political-ideological and organizational factors. Conflicts have both negative and positive results in psychological, social and organizationalaspects. Teachers who experience conflicts have negative feelings such as disappointment, insensitivity, stress, sorrow, uneasiness etc. and may dislike their professions, have low morale and motivation, form groups with like minded people and have reduced performance. Teachers who experience conflicts either respond, by arguing, evading the situation or using violence, or remain unresponsive.