
The Patriotism Education Content at the Present Stage

The patriotism problem from early time has huge value in personality development as citizen. Without patriotism formation feeling personal and public importance is impossible. The potential patriotism feeling possibilities extend and go deep together with society development. At the same time certain society development depends on patriotism of people making it. A striking example of such interaction can be the example of the multinational states. Such countries quantity is increasing with society development. Therefore interest to problems research of relationship in the multi-ethnic state is always topical and patriotic education questions studying constantly grow. Feeling of patriotism, rallying people together, spiritualizes, promotes bigger output and participation in state and society affairs. In new market conditions Kazakhstan patriotic debt and responsibility feeling formation at younger generation has to consider also the strengthening cultural and economic power of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Pedagogical potential of the Kazakh literature and the Kazakh heroic epos, in particular, as means of younger generation patriotic education haven’t been used and updated yet by our time requirements.